Teksad kitsamaks/Making jeans tighter

Mul olid ühed vahvad punased teksad. Ootasid aega, mil jään peenemaks. Kui ma ükskord proovisin kapis seisnud pükse, kippusid need puusast laiaks jääma ning säärest olid nad seda niikuinii. Vähemalt minu maitse jaoks.

I had some cool red jeans. Waited for the time when I’m skinnier. When I finally tried the jeans, they tended to be too wide from the hip and and from the leg anyway. At least for my taste.

tightening jeans before 3

Kuna käsil on mul riidekapi uuendus – et oleksid kapis vaid asjad, mida ma kanda tahan ja saan, siis pidin neid teksaseid kohendama.

Since I’m in progress on a wardrobe update – that in the closet would be only these things I want and can to wear, and I then had to straighten these jeans.

tightening jeans before1
tightening jeans before2

Pöörasin siis teksad pahupidi ja hakkasin nööpnõelu lisama, et saada teksaseid mulle parajaks.

I turned the jeans inside out and then I started to add pins to get me a pair of fitted jeans.

tightening jeans after2

Pükste kitsamaks tegemise puhul tahan alati kindel olla, et teen ikka õiget asja, seega traageldan kõigepealt kokku ning proovin ning vajadusel teen kitsamaks või laiemaks.. Seekord oli vaja veel kitsamaks võtta, et püksid istuksid kõige paremini.

Tightening jeans I want to always be sure to do the right thing, so first of all tacking together, and, if necessary, and try to make it narrower or wider .. This time it was needed to make more narrow, for better fitting.

tightening jeans

Seda tööd tehes avastasin, et keegi juba oli neid pükse kitsamaks teinud, puusajoonelt. Kaltsukast ostetud, pole ka imestada. 🙂
During this work, I discovered that someone had already made ​​them tighter, from hip line. From thrift store bought, it’s not surprising. 🙂

tightening jeans after1

Sellised mu teksad said!
These are my jeans!

tightening jeans after 6

Mõnusad ja mugavad. Mulle eriti meeldib see, et nad on nii kõrge vöökohaga ning ilma liigse tilu-tiluta. Sellepärast tasuski neid hakata ümber tegema.

Cosy and comfortable. I especially love the fact that they have such a high waist and without excessive bling-bling. That’s why it was a good idea to re-do.

Tightening jeans after3

tightening jeans after4

tightening jeans after5

Armastust saates
With love


4 thoughts on “Teksad kitsamaks/Making jeans tighter

  1. Pingback: Teksad kitsamaks | Kai-Epp õmbleb

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